Supplements Containing Zinc and Other Components

Zinc and the Immune System

– Zinc is an essential mineral for your immune system. Zinc deficiency may increase the risk of colds, pneumonia, or other infections. Zinc helps activate T cells. These cells are necessary to control and regulate your body’s immune response. T cells attack and destroy infected cells.

– Taking zinc supplements within 24 hours of the onset of cold symptoms can shorten the duration of the cold. The ideal dose and duration of taking zinc for this indication are unknown. The minimum daily requirement of zinc is between 8 and 12 mg. Zinc deficiency in the body affects the function of the immune system. However, the role of zinc in the body is not limited to this. All tissues with a high rate of cell proliferation need zinc. For example, zinc is administered in diarrhea because the faster proliferation of the cells in the digestive tract mucosa helps their repair. Cell proliferation rate in the skin and hair is high. Sufficient amounts of zinc are required for healthy hair and skin. The body’s immune cells multiply rapidly in response to an invading agent to react against potentially pathogenic microbes or viruses. Zinc is essential for phagocytosis. Zinc is necessary for signaling and communication between immune cells and immune response. On the other hand, zinc is an antioxidant and reduces oxidative stress caused by infections. Zinc helps to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a part of the body’s defense system, but long-term inflammation could be harmful and cause some diseases.

Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency

Your body doesn’t store zinc, so you need to get enough zinc daily through your diet to avoid zinc deficiency. Symptoms of zinc deficiency include:

– Loss of appetite

– Weakening of the immune system

– Delay in wound healing

– Hair loss

– Impaired sense of taste


People who are most at risk of zinc deficiency include:

– Alcoholics

– Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease

– Patients with sickle cell disease

– Women during pregnancy or breastfeeding

– Vegetarians or vegans

– People who do not get enough food containing zinc for any reason


How much zinc does our body need?

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of zinc depends on conditions such as age, gender, or being pregnant or breastfeeding. The recommended amount of zinc for people 19 years and older is:

– Women: 8 mg (if they are not pregnant or breastfeeding)

– Men: 11 mg

– Pregnant women: 11 mg

– Women during breastfeeding: 12 mg

The total intake of zinc through nutrition and supplements in adults should not exceed 40 mg per day.


What are the side effects of taking excess zinc?

– Excessive consumption of zinc can cause nausea, dizziness, headache and loss of appetite.